Magnetic flux formula
Magnetic flux formula

magnetic flux formula

In this sense, the Spanish government (as in other EU countries), with the regulation of high voltage electrical installations (RAT), has imposed an obligation to study the magnetic fields produced by electrical installations to guarantee that the exposure limits regulated by are not exceeded and to enhance the design of new facilities to minimize the magnetic field emissions. In line with this, recommendation VI says: “Member States, in order to enhance knowledge about the health effects of electromagnetic fields, should promote and review research relevant to electromagnetic fields and human health in the context of their national research programmes, taking into account Community and inter-national research recommendations and efforts from the widest possible range of sources”. In, point 4 of the preamble states: "It is imperative to protect members of the general public within the Community against established adverse health effects that may result as a consequence of exposure to electromagnetic fields ". For the general population, a safety factor of 5 is applied, resulting in an exposure limit of 100 µT at 50 Hz (or 83 µT at 60 Hz). With regards to occupational exposure, this has been associated with an MFD of 500 µT at 50 Hz (or 420 µT at 60 Hz). A threshold of 10 mA/m 2 of current density was selected since lower values do not reveal health risks for humans. The established limits in these recommendations are based on the measurable phenomenon of induced currents in human organs. This conclusion led the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), an independent organization with a great international prestige, to publish some recommendations on the general public’s exposure to electromagnetic fields, which were adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO). This risk is verified at locations where the average value of B → exceeds the threshold of 0.4 µT. The same authors of the aforementioned report carried out a bibliographic review several years later in which the main conclusion was that there is some evidence of a risk factor with an average value of 2 on this childhood disease that has a low incidence in the whole population. Other researchers have tried to verify this influence with diverse results. A real case study has been described to show how the reconfiguration of conductors in a distribution transformer substation (DTS) allows significant reductions in MFD in some points outside the facility. This allows designers to guarantee that legal limits (occupational, general population, or precautionary levels related to epidemiological studies) are fulfilled.

magnetic flux formula magnetic flux formula

With this software, exposure levels can be studied in any hypothetical scenario, even in inaccessible zones. MFDs calculated by CRMag® have been validated in real facilities and laboratory tests. Users can easily model electrical facilities through a friendly and simple data entry. Using the simplified Maxwell equations for low frequencies, CRMag® calculates and represents the magnetic flux density (MFD) that electrical currents produce in the environment.

magnetic flux formula


For this purpose, CRMag® software has been developed. Hence, it is crucially important that we are able to quantify these fields under the normal operating conditions of the facilities, both in their premises and in their surroundings, in order to take the appropriate corrective measures and assure the safety conditions imposed, in force, by regulations. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns that the presence of magnetic fields due to the circulation of industrial frequency electrical currents may have repercussions on the health of living beings.

Magnetic flux formula